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Astrology and you
Zodiac signs: |
Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarus - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces |
Fire Element, Male Genus, Lord of East Direction, Dual Habit, Yellow-Colour,
Khatriya-Group -(Like King- Who is Defensive towards his dependents),
HappyNature, Bile Tendency.
Male -Bold ,have a lot of patience in every field |
Favourable Aries Gemini Leo Libra Aquarious |
Beginning Name Pronunciation Ye,Yo,Bha,Bhee,Bhu,Dha,Pha,Arah,Bhey Appearance Like a man whose thigh is just like horse& have a bow in his hand Place In Epoch Human Body Thigh |
Unfavourable Scorpio Pisces |
Female -Have faith in Hypothetical thinkings &Liberal. |
10 | 5 | 12 |
11 | 9 | 7 |
6 | 13 | 8 |
Gem:-(Topaz)- | The provision is to wear Gold metal ring of Topaz Gem in Fore finger on Thursday for Promotion, Marriage,Baby birth, & in Chest pain ,Heart Diseases & Respiratory Diseases |
Root (In Place of Gem):- | The provision is to Embank three pieces of turmeric wrapped in yellow coloured cloth on Thursday morning at right Arm. |
Colour: - | Try to wear Yellow coloured cloth & drink the water which is kept whole day in the contact of Sun Rays in Yellow coloured bottle. |
Substances for Donation :- | Within capacity Topaz, Gold, Gram pulse, turmeric, Treacle, Yellow Cloth, Yellow flower-Donate to a learned sage on Thursday morning. |
Fast:- | Keep fast on Thursday. |
Worship :- | Do worship of Lord Brahma. |